Get DeepView

Obtain the programs and accessory files from the SwissPdbViewer Home Page (DV Home),

This web site is constantly being expanded and revised.

  1. At the Home Page, click on "Download", read the Disclaimer, and then click "I agree and want to download Swiss Pdb Viewer now ..." to find out if there is a version appropriate for your computer, as well as for guidance in downloading and installing the program.

  2. Follow the downloading instructions for your computer. The result will be a new directory named SPDBV_#.#. The suffix #.# is the current version number. It is a good idea, especially in Windows and Linux, NOT to move this directory once it is installed.

  3. After installation, look at the bottom of the Download page to see a complete list of accessory files for DeepView, including a users manual in pdf format. Download what you need, depending on what you expect to do with DeepView.

  4. If you plan to use Prosite to search for sequence patterns associated with known protein functions, you will need that latest version of the file prosite.dat in the _stuff_ folder in the directory SPDBV (or in the usrstuff folder—seems to work either way). To obtain it, click "Download PROSITE pattern" on the PC download page, which takes you to Prosite Home. Click "Downloads" near the top of the home page, which will (after some delay) open a file list from an FTP server (in Mac OS X using Safari, the file list opens in a Finder window; with other platforms and browers, the file list may appear in the browser window or an FTP utility). Download the files prosite.dat and prosite.doc to the _stuff_ folder in the SPDBV_#.# directory (on Mac OS X, drag them from the Finder window onto the _stuff_ folder.) These files provide information for the menu command Edit: Search for ProSite Patterns in DeepView. For more information about ProSite, visit ProSite Home.

  5. If you plan to make homology models, then the first time you run the program, add your name and email address in the appropriate spaces in the dialog of Prefs: SwissModel.

  6. Close this window to return to the SPdbV Tutorial. Press the Back button of your web browser to return to other pages.