Summary: Action of Key Modifiers in DeepView

You can modify the action of many DeepView commands using the keyboard. See the table below for a full list.

Open this summary at any time from the link near the bottom of the Contents frame in the DeepView Tutorial.

NOTE: Option+left-click in Mac OS X corresponds to right mouse click in Windows.

If you find other differences in key mapping for Windows and entries in this table, please notify Gale Rhodes.

If someone wants to make a similar table for Windows users, please modify this table and send the html file to me for posting on this page. Separate tables for PC and Mac would be more tidy.

Graphics Window



equals key, = (insert on PC)

Center and fit view to window (same as first Tool Bar button)


Cycle through mouse actions: translate -- zoom -- rotate

shift + tab

Cycle through mouse actions, reverse order


Turn off button actions (measurement, label)

control + drag (PC: F5 + drag)

Limit rotate or translate to x-axis

option + drag (PC: F6 + drag)

Limit rotate or translate to y-axis

command + drag (PC: F7 + drag)

Limit rotate or translate to z-axis

command + tab

"Blink" or cycle through layers for which the cyc column is checked in Layer Infos Window

Control Panel/Layer Infos



Click header

Add checkmark to selected, remove others

Click group name

Select group, deselect others


Show selected, hide others


Turn on/off (toggle) selected, others not affected

control + click header

Add checkmark to selected, others not affected

control + click name

Select group, others not affected

control + return

Show selected, others not affected

shift + control + click on header

Remove checkmark from selected, others not affected

shift + control + return

Hide selected groups, others not affected

shift + click in column

Act on all column

option + click group name*

Center group (and map)

option + click in h/s column*

Center group and select group plus its secondary structural element

Align Window



control + click group

Select group, others not affected

shift + click group

Select group in all layers

option + click group (PC: left mouse click group)

Center group (and map)





Act on all layers

control + Select

Add to current selection

Ramachandran Plot



option + click on group symbol*

Center group

9 + click and drag symbol

Change group phi only

0 (zero) + click and drag symbol

Change group psi only

*option = right mouse button on PC

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