Last Entry: May 21, 2001
CMCC-I readers: Some of these errors are also present in the first edition.
Page xi, Contents, Chapter 9, Section VI:
First word, Lane, should be Laue.
Thanks to Professor Reuben Rudman, Adelphi University
Page 20, second full paragraph:
In the paragraph, I discuss Figure 2.13 and the simple wave equation with h = 5. But in the figure, the corresponding equation and graph (c) contain h = 3 instead of 5. Neither the paragraph nor the figure contain mis-statements, but it would be nicer if they were consistent with each other.
Page 24, Equation 2.3:
The "=" sign after fB' should be "+".
Thanks to Edi Wibowo, Ph. D. student, University of New South Wales, Australia
Page 36, 7 lines from bottom:
“... which is sealed onto the top of the reservoir grease” should read, “... which is sealed onto the top of the reservoir with grease.”
Thanks to James Phillips, Biochemistry Undergraduate, University of Oxford, Pembroke College.
Page 48, Figure 4.3:
Labels for (010) and (100) planes are reversed.
(Error is also in the first edition.)
Thanks to Ethan Settembre, Graduate Student, Cornell University
Page 48, second paragraph, second line:
"h0k" should be "h0l"
Thanks to Susan Tzotzos (PhD), TSMB Student, Birbeck College, London.
Page 50, Figure 4.6, end of legend:
"(-1 2 0) and (-2 1 0)" should be "(2 -1 0) and (-2 1 0)"
Thanks to Tristan J. Fiedler, Structural Biology - Biochemistry and Molecular Biology Dept., U. of Miami Medical School.
Page 54, second paragraph, fifth line:
"h0k" should be "h0l"
Thanks to Susan Tzotzos (PhD), TSMB Student, Birbeck College, London.
Page 55, Equation 4.2:
Second term, OP/BP, should be OP/BO.
Thanks to Professor Amil Anderson, Wittenberg University.
Page 62, second from last line:
nm should be nm.
Thanks to Professor Amil Anderson, Wittenberg University.
Page 65, second from last line:
"diameter" should be "radius".
Thanks to Susan Tzotzos (PhD), TSMB Student, Birbeck College, London.
Page 86, fourth line below Equation (5.2):
"(its height from peak to valley)" should be "(half its height from peak to valley)".
Thanks to Tristan J. Fiedler, Structural Biology - Biochemistry and Molecular Biology Dept., U. of Miami Medical School.
Page 87, line above Equation (5.7):
Theta = 2(hx) should be Theta = 2pi(hx).
Thanks to Univ.-Prof. Dr. Maarten P. Heyn, Free University of Berlin.
Page 90, Equation (5.9):
Within last parentheses, k should be ky.
Thanks to Professor B. Tracy Nixon, Pennsylvania State University
Page 94, Equation (5.16)
Integration should be over the unit cell volume, not over h, k, and l.
Correct Equation (5.16):
(Error is also in the first edition.)
Page 99, Equation (5.22):
Term between summation signs, fj, should be fj.
Thanks to Professor B. Tracy Nixon, Pennsylvania State University
Page 110, sentence starting in second line in second paragraph:
"It is ... " instead of "It us ...".
Thanks to Dr. Xiu-Gong Gao, NIH.
Page 111, first line:
FH, FHP, and FH should be FP, FHP, and FH.
Last line:
To solve for Eq. (6.9) for FH and its phase... . FH should be FP.
(Error is also in the first edition.)
Thanks to Univ.-Prof. Dr. Maarten P. Heyn, Free University of Berlin.
Page 113, footnote:
Last term in the equation, ,
should be
(Error is also in the first edition.)
Thanks to Univ.-Prof. Dr. Maarten P. Heyn, Free University of Berlin.
Page 122, first sentence of third paragraph:
Last term in sentence should be -DFi+, not DFi+, and the last term in equation 6.14 should be -(-DFi+) , or +DFi+.
Thanks to Dr. Xiu-Gong Gao, NIH.
Page 128, equation (6.15):
Parentheses not closed at end of last exponent term.
Correct Equation 6.15):
Page 136, Equation (7.1)
The term on the right should be 1, not 0.
Thanks to Prof. James Ketudat Cairns, Suranaree University of Technology, Thailand.
Pages 142 and 143, Equations (7.4 and 7.5):
The terms "Fo - Fo" and "2Fo - Fo" should be "Fo - Fc" and "2Fo - Fc".
Thanks to Jenny Pawsey, Biochemistry Student, Keble College, Oxford, England.
Page 148, Equation (7.8)
ni should be nj, and the left parenthesis before sin(theta) is missing.
Thanks to Nico Riffel, Student of Biochemistry, Universität Frankfurt am Main.
Page 171, second paragraph (excerpt), line 1:
Decimal omitted: "01 mm" should be "0.1 mm".
Thanks to Dr. Xiu-Gong Gao, NIH.
Page 178, third paragraph (excerpt), line 6:
"10-3-angstroms" should be "10-3 angstroms".
Thanks to Dr. Xiu-Gong Gao, NIH.
Page 181, Table 8.2:
The thin line under "RMS Deviations" should not cover the "Solvent included" column.
Thanks to Dr. Xiu-Gong Gao, NIH.
Page 185, Figure 8.6 caption, line 3:
Should read "(.) nonglycine residues"
Thanks to Dr. Xiu-Gong Gao, NIH.
Page 194, paragraph 4, first line:
"Frankin's" should be "Franklin's".
Thanks to Jenny Pawsey, Biochemistry Student, Keble College, Oxford, England.
Page 196, first paragraph:
"H Wang, H. and G. Stubbs" should be "H. Wang and G. Stubbs".
Thanks to Dr. Xiu-Gong Gao, NIH.
Page 202, Table 9.1:
The X-ray scattering length for H is 2.8, not 3.8.
This error is present in the original source of the table, Cantor and Schimmel. I am in good company; many other authors have used this source and propagated this error. At least one of them did not even bother to cite Cantor and Schimmel as the source.
Thanks to Univ.-Prof. Dr. Maarten P. Heyn, Free University of Berlin.
Page 210, Figure 9.7:
The origins of vectors R3 and R4 are interchanged. If both were drawn from the correct origins (the center of their respective spheres of reflection), they would not overlap.
Thanks to Chris Bystroff, Asst Prof., Dept of Biology, Renssealer Polytechnic Institute
Page 231, third line from bottom:
The non-word "greating" should be "greatly". (How DO such things happen?)
Thanks to Dr. Xiu-Gong Gao, NIH.
Page 236, line 2:
The word "contain" should be "contains".
Page 246, last paragraph, first line:
"are are" should be "are".
Thanks to Jenny Pawsey, Biochemistry Student, Keble College, Oxford, England.
Page 254, line 5:
"their their" should be "their".
Thanks to Dr. Xiu-Gong Gao, NIH.
Page 256, line 5:
The non-word "greating" should be "greatly". (How DO such things happen TWICE?)
Thanks to Dr. Xiu-Gong Gao, NIH.
Page 260, Section K:
First word "Iin" should be "In".
B.J. Burke, Biochemistry/Molecular Biology Student, Wittenberg University